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The interface

MySpeed's interface is designed from the ground up to be easy to use. However, to avoid possible confusion, everything is explained here.

The user interface

MySpeed interface

The interface of MySpeed is divided into 3 parts.

The first part is the so-called header and contains direct access to the settings and the start of a speed test. The settings are described in more detail here.

The second part always shows the most recent speedtest.

The third part shows all created speedtests.

Last test

Last test

This part always shows the most recent, i.e. last created speedtest. If you click on an icon, the respective help menu will open with more information

Overview of all tests

Last test

Here you can view all tests that have been created. Now you can also click on the clock on the left to open a dialog with more information. This dialog now shows more information about the test and even offers the possibility to delete it directly (if necessary).