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Clicking on the settings-icon opens the settings page. You can find an example on the right.

In this menu you can find settings as well as functions like exporting tests.

To make the design clearer, the settings related to the internet can be found in the first 4 lines.

All options related to speed tests can be found in the 2nd box. Here you can e.g. set the frequency of the tests or select a server.

In the 3rd box you can find settings related to the interface. Here you can change the language or the view. change the view.

Here are settings that relate to your optimal Internet.

What's the point?

MySpeed uses colored icons to symbolize the quality of your internet connection. If you enter these values here, MySpeed will show you by icons if your internet is good, medium or bad.

The ping is a value that shows the duration of the connection between your computer and the internet in ms.
The faster (i.e. lower), the better.

The up-speed is the speed at which your computer sends data. The higher the value, the better.

The down-speed is the speed at which your computer receives data. The higher the value, the better.

If you don't know what values you should enter here, you can use this button. MySpeed will then try to determine the optimal values for you.

Speedtest settings

MySpeed chooses the next server automatically at startup. But if you find a closer server, you can select it here. You can choose one from the list or enter an ID. You can read more about this here

Is your MySpeed instance public and you don't want others or only authorized people to see your internet speed? Then you can protect MySpeed with a password here, which has to be entered when visiting the site.

Here you can set the frequency in which MySpeed performs your tests. This setting can be relevant for slower connections.

Do you have to upload an important document right now and MySpeed is affecting your internet speed a lot? Then you can pause it here for a certain time. This can be relevant especially for slow connections.


MySpeed uses integrations to notify you when your internet is down. You have services like Discord, Telegram or Gotify to choose from. If you want to process the data yourself, you can also specify a webhook and have all events sent to you.

Interface settings

Here you can define how many tests will be displayed in the specified period. You can choose between the last 24 and 48 hours as well as the last 7 or 30 days. If you select one of the last two, you will be shown averages to make the to make the interface clearer.

Do you want to be sure and download your tests to your computer? Then you can export your tests here.

MySpeed is currently available in English and German languages. With this option you can change the language.
Do you want to participate and translate MySpeed into another language? Then have a look here.

Change view

MySpeed offers you two views. The first one is the default view you already know. The second one is the Test Statistics. Here you can see all tests with the help of widgets and diagrams.

This section shows you information about your MySpeed instance. Nothing important, just a little info. :)